Q and A with Eagle County Behavioral Health

I know the mind can be a dangerous thing, what are some daily things you can do during this time to stay sharp, clear, and confident?
The most important is creating routines for yourself, a lot of fo people were treating this as a vacation in the beginning- not eating well, not exercising. 
Research has shown that the more structure and more routine you have in your life the better your mental health will be - One predictor factor of health outcome is social connection - social distance walk, phone calls, zoom,.

What tips do you have for students who potentially feel unusually lonely in the time of coronavirus?
Try and remember that everyone is feeling a level of loneliness and not just for relationships but for the old way of living. People are grieving their old life. 
Normalize it for yourself 
If you are feeling isolated reach out to other people - this is not just an activity helping you but the other person as well.

Tips to promote a decrease in anxiety during this time?
Structure and identify your norms - if you usually go to the gym how can you do a modified version of the gym. Alone time - find a way to have space 
Journaling and drawing has been a good response for many people
Manage your anxiety do not ignore it, 
97 percent of fo therapists are doing Telehealth in the Valley

Clearly, depression has been going up what can people can do to pull themselves out of it or share with others what they are feeling?
Restrictions being lifted is exciting because now you can connect more with others 
Now you can physically go into the office for therapy this will help you get out there and do something that makes you feel accomplished 
Understand where your feelings are coming from, whether it's from job insecurity or leaving college or missed graduation.

What coping skills are most effective 
Mindfulness or deep breathing, you can take this with you wherever you go and doesn’t require serious time,
Research says 3 min can really change your physiological state 

Something to remember
Certain behavioral health conditions that struggle more with isolation - such as, secretive tings - so when in isolation people struggling with these conditions are often struggling more because we must remember home isn’t safe for everyone


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